A few minutes of your time filling in our Annual NPS Survey goes a long way towards making Ezypay a better product for you and your business.
In this article, you will learn about:
- What a Net Promoter Score (NPS) is
- How NPS is calculated
- How we take on board your survey feedback
1. What is a Net Promoter Score (NPS)?
NPS stands for Net Promoter Score which is a metric used in customer experience programs. It measures the loyalty of customers to a company. A NPS survey is a method used across industries to collect feedback from customers.
2. How is NPS calculated?
It all starts with one important question to customers: ‘How likely are you to recommend this company, product or service to a friend or colleague?’
This question is answered with a scale from 0 (highly unlikely) to 10 (highly likely).
From here, responses are grouped into the following:
- Promoters: responses from 9-10
- Passives: responses from 7-8
- Detractors: responses from 0-6
The NPS formula:
To get the overall NPS score, the percentage of detractors are subtracted from the percentage of promoters.
Promoter % – Detractor % = NPS
For example, if Ezypay had 100 responses with 60 Promoters (Promoters = 60 per cent) and 20 Detractors (Detractors = 20 per cent)
Ezypay’s Net Promoter Score would be: 60 – 20 = +40
This means a business’s NPS can range from -100 to +100. The higher the score, the higher the customers' loyalty. According to global NPS standards, a net promoter score above 50 is good, and above 70 is outstanding.
You will then be asked if you would you like to add a line or two to explain what you love, or how you think we could do better. These comments are valuable in creating better customer experience programs.
3. How we take on board your survey feedback
Ok, this is where we are so far:
✔️ We’ve asked you for feedback
✔️ You’ve taken time out to give us feedback
🔲 Now it’s on us to make sure that feedback gets put to good use.
Honest feedback is incredibly valuable in maintaining a great, constructive relationship with our customers. Every department in our company works towards channeling their efforts into improving your Ezypay experience.
- Product: Our Product Team will take product related feedback into account and include it in their product planning.
- Customer Support: Our Customer Support team will get in touch with you if you choose to share your details for training & support. Your feedback will also ensure our representatives are equipped to offer personalised, efficient care.
- Sales: Our Sales team will get in touch with you if you choose to share your details to discuss contract or pricing related issues.
- Marketing: Our Marketing team will get in touch with you if you choose to share your details and submit a testimonial. Further, our marketing team ensures that all your feedback is heard across the business.
It is important to point out that your survey responses are always confidential and are solely used by Ezypay to offer a better customer experience.
We really do value your feedback, and it all goes towards making Ezypay a better product for you and your business.