
Changes to how you process refunds through Ezypay (Australia and Hong Kong)

In October 2019, Ezypay made the successful transition to a new Mastercard and Visa processing provider in Australia and Hong Kong. While this change saw no impact to merchants’ billing operations, the transition has meant that a deadline would apply to refunds that were originally processed through our previous processing provider.

To assist with the transition, our new provider allowed these refunds to be processed through Ezypay’s systems as normal, for a maximum of 6 months. That time period has lapsed, and as of Thursday April 30th, 2020, any refunds to customers for transactions before October 1st, 2019, can no longer be processed through Ezypay’s systems (Australia and Hong Kong merchants only).

Refunds older than this date will need to be treated as an ‘off-system’ refund, meaning you will need to reimburse the customer with cash or a bank transfer from your business’s online banking provider.

If you attempt to process a refund through Ezypay for a transaction older than October 1st, 2019, you will receive the following error message as of April 30th, 2020.

“Transactions processed prior to 1 Oct 2019 can no longer be refunded through our systems. Please process as an 'off system' refund.”

Any refunds for transactions after October 1st, 2019, can continue to be processed through Ezypay’s systems as normal.


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